Monday, March 12, 2012

Painters and decorators insurance

By Kevin Hartley

Painter insurance or decorator insurance : Even decorators spill paint, and these type of accidents can cost the painter thousands of pounds to replace and repair the damage.

Whether you're a new painter or decorator or a timed served painter and decorator and your running a business doing painting and decorating, you will need painter and decorator public liability insurance or a tradesman insurance.

Most painters and decorators are that good at painting, they never spill the paint, but the accidents do happen, more often they are accidents or new apprentice painters have the accidents. Clients may fall over ladders, slip on decorators tools , there are so many accidents that can happen in the homeplace, to think you can not cover most accidents would be a dire move on your business finances.

Paint on expensive carpets or damage to furniture, or breakages to expensive furniture, could cost you and your business thousands of pounds to replace.

As a painter and decorator most have apprentice painters helping them work on business lists or clients home addresses. As an employer you would need to have painters and decorators employers liability insurance, this is usually covered as standard in most painters tradesman insurance policy.

A painters and decorators public liability insurance policy will usually begin as low as 100 per year for some painters , this policy may never be claimed on ever, one claim against your company could cost you thousands of pounds, the claim then would go straight to a solicitor.

If you do not have insurance you would have to find a reputable solicitor who would take your case on, but, if they lost your court case you would have to pay your own solicitors fees and your clients solicitors fees.

With painters insurance the solicitor costs are paid for and you really don't get that hands on, as they insurance company deal with all the paperwork and sort the claim to an amicable solution for both parties.

Painters insurance is a must have for anybody starting or trading as a painter or decorator.

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